Biscom FAXCOM Server

  • Updated supports the Biscom FAXCOM fax server when paired with the SR140 fax driver.  To configure your Biscom FAXCOM Server with a T38Fax trunk, follow these steps:


1. Biscom's FAXCOM server uses Dialogic SR140 for its FoIP driver. Our Power-T.38 SIP trunks are officially certified for use with Dialogic SR140. Click below to download the official configuration guide.

Download SR140 Config Guide


2. Set the file permissions for your callctrl.cfg file to read-only so that it is not overwritten by Biscom FAXCOM when you restart the FAXCOM service. As shown below, the typical location of this file is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Biscom\FAXCOM Server\u\FAPI\TR1034\Cfg\callctrl.cfg



3. Open Windows Registry to:

\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432node\Biscom\FAPI for BT\Parameters



4. Double click on "CallingPartyNumber" and input your DID including the leading 1 (ie. 12125558888).



5. Edit the "CallingPartyIpAddress" and input "" (without quotes!).



6. Close Windows Registry



7. Restart the Biscom FAXCOM service.


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